Bram Devlaminck

Bram Devlaminck

Hi, I'm Bram and I'm currently working on my Masters degree in computer science at Ghent University. I'm very passionate about how technology can improve peoples life and am currently looking for a full time job starting in the summer of 2024. Through my education I have obtained a broad base knowledge in a lot of different IT-disciplines. Transforming this knowledge into practice is what I am currently looking most forward to.

Profile picture of Bram Devlaminck


Programming languages

I'm mostly familiar with these languages from the projects I've created for the courses I follow at Ghent University.

Java logo
Python logo
Kotlin logo
Rust logo
C logo
C++ logo
JavaScript logo
TypeScript logo
HTML-5 logo
CSS-3 logo
SQL logo
Haskell logo
Prolog logo

These come in handy during the development cycle to improve the development experience, write reports, effectively collaborate with colleagues,...

Docker logo
GIT logo
GitHub Actions logo
Google Cloud Platform logo
Kubernetes logo
Terraform logo
Markdown logo
LaTeX logo
Linux logo
Soft Skills

I am hard-driven, punctual, detail-oriented and a team-player. I am furthermore always on the lookout for better ways to bring ideas to life. These are fundamental to how I approach things during the group-projects we have to make.

Development Environments

For the development of my own projects I'm mostly using following IDEs.

PyCharm logo
WebStorm logo
Clion logo
IntelliJ IDEA logo
Visual Studio Code logo


  1. Master of Science of Computer Science

    Electives: Software hacking & protection, Robotics, Recommender Systems, Database design, NoSQL databases, Computational Challenges in Bioinformatics

    I'm currently finishing the last year of my masters degree. This allows me more to focus on doing more research in IT and specialise in certain disciplines. An example of the research I'm working on is my thesis where I am exploring different possible index structures to integrate into Unipept. This is a tool developed by Ghent University that performs metaproteomics and metagenomics analyses. These alternative index structures would not only allow to perform the existing analyses even faster, but also allow to analyse a wider range of peptide samples.

  2. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

    Minor Security & Parallel Systems

    During these 3 years I obtained a broad knowledge about the fundaments of computer science together with a strong basis of math. I completed this programme last year with great distinction. One of the main focuses of this programme is obtaining a broad base knowledge and knowing how to apply it in practice. This is done by the many projects we have to make throughout the semester. Furthermore producing something that works isn't good enough. There is a strong focus on code quality and performance of the created application.

Work Experience

  1. Internship at Melexis

    During the summer of 2023, I did a 9 week long internship at Melexis. This is a fabless semiconductor company located in Ypres (Belgium). My main focus was the development of microservices, with a strong emphasis on automated testing and deployment. The main technologies used during this time where Python and Kotlin in combination with Gitlab pipelines, Terraform and the Google Cloud Platform suite.

  2. Software Developer at Dodona (Ghent University)

    During this time I worked as a software engineer student for team Dodona, lead by some of my professors at Ghent University. Dodona is a tool to help students learn to program. My main focus was on implementing small new features, various bugfixes and moving the source-code away from using JavaScript + JQuery towards vanilla TypeScript.

  3. Administrative job (MCC Verstraete)

    Here I worked as a student and did some administrative work that involved putting together files that were used later on in the product flow of this company.

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